Full Name
City, State
Donation Options Purchase school supplies for one child: $20 Purchase a back pack and school supplies: $50 Send a child to summer camp: $200 Adopt a family to purchase Christmas gifts: $500 Purchase a refrigerator for a family: $700 Purchase furniture for family's first apartment: $2,500 Purchase food to feed families for a year: $5,000 Contribute toward the purchase of a van to transport children: $30,000
Other Amount
Card Visa Mastercard American Express
Card number
Security code
Name on Card
Everything in the form was correctly filled if all the steps have a green checkmark icon. A red checkmark icon indicates that some field is missing or filled out with invalid data. In this last step the user can confirm the submission of the form.
If you have any comments or questions, please email us at mail@lakeside-cc.org